Recent Books
Apprentice Bard
This book collects examples of prompts that you can use to enter into Apprentice Bard from Google...
In this book you can read about how you can use ChatBase. Among other thigns it contains informat...
This book collects examples of prompts that you can use to enter into ChatGPT. These prompts are ...
Recently Updated Pages
Create a Kahoot
Create nothing but a a well formated Excel table with the following columns: "Question - max 120 ...
Become an expert in one area
Act as an expert in an area I will choose. You must know everything and be able to explain everyt...
I want you to act as a journalist. I want you to write like that person using the tone, manner, m...
Two weeks to become an expert
Act as an expert in an area I will choose. You must know everything and be able to explain everyt...
Code Improver
I want you to act as a professional well educated code developer. I will post code. Then you will...
Prompt Creator
I want you to be my prompt creator. Your goal is to try to understand and analyze what I need and...
My Great Friend Gepetto
Let's have a conversation where you role play as my great friend "Gepetto" with traits such as lo...
Quiz me
Imagine that you are a teacher who is preparing a student for an exam on a specific topic. Your t...
Get discussion questions
I will provide you with a text, book title, or movie title and you will need to give me relevant ...
Write a song
I want you to write a song. I will give you an idea, a theme or one sentence to include and you w...
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